The New Jan Brady? No, The New Avery Goode

I needed to send something via email to an important contact one day. The internet in my house was intermittent at best and unreliable so I went to the public library and used theirs. My laptop was broken so I signed up to use one that the library provided. When it came time for me to log-in, I sat next to a black who was on Facebook. I know this because I am nosy and glanced over at his screen. He was sending messages through messenger. I leaned over to sit my backpack down on the floor and raised up just in time to see him type “Oh my god, Rasputia just sat next to me.” You know Rasputia don’t you? The alter ego, fat woman, played by Eddie Murphy in Norbit? Yeah, that’s what he thought of me. But I didn’t get it at that time. I was like, “who in the hell is he calling fat?” I was sexy. Since I was in his business, it’s not like I could have confronted him about his comment because I was in the wrong.

Some months later, I was catching a plane and I wanted to sit on the aisle in a row that had only two seats instead of three. It was an emergency exit row. When the flight attendant came and asked us to buckle-up, I couldn’t. Clearly the seat belt was defective in that seat. I pulled, tugged, stretched and yanked. It didn’t make it across my lap. After the workout, i found myself glistening with perspiration and riddled with embarrassment. I moved seats before she returned, found a window seat, tucked the seat belt to appear as if it were buckled, put my headphones on and played like I was asleep when she came back to check to make sure we were fastened. I couldn’t wait to get off that plane.

Once I returned home, I prayed and asked God to show me, ME. My vision was distorted. I had body dysmorphia in reverse. When I saw myself in the mirror I was this trim, sexy and curvy woman. I didn’t think I was big. I needed a reality check. Using a white bar of soap, I drew on the mirror what I ‘thought’ was an accurate outline of my body and then had my daughter trace what was the ‘Actual’ outline of my body. A BIG DIFFERENCE. I tried everything I knew in order to lose weight and nothing worked. I lost a few pounds only to gain back double what I lost.

Then the unthinkable happened, The Affordable Care Act. Hallelujah! Once my insurance was in place I was able to see a primary care doctor who helped me develop a plan of action. Dr. Brenda was great and helped save my life. She gave me so many practical tips that seemed too elementary to work but low and behold, they did. The day I walked into her office and stepped on the scale, I was THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN POUNDS. That was all the reality check it took. That was two years ago. Today, I am exactly One hundred ninety nine pounds.

Now, when men see me sitting next to them, they smile instead of frown. They are more apt to hold the door for me and I get that coveted ‘second look’ that I never got before. But the thing is, NONE OF THAT MATTERS. What matters are the cool dudes who gave me that second look before I lost weight and did all of the things I mentioned when I was at my heaviest. Those are the people who matter. Don’t get me wrong, not everyone I meet knows of my history so I don’t blow them off because they are interested in me. No, I’m speaking of the guys I knew who knew both the fat Avery and the ‘New Jan Brady’ Avery.

I used to think people were crazy when they would say “you’re pretty for a big girl”. Again, I was like” who’s big?” Guess I was, huh? Sad but true…I am going to write another book and talk about all of the things I did to get healthy. If I put it all in this blog post I would be typing for days. Suffice it to say, I am very happy with my new look. Thanks for reading. AG #BeGoodeorBeGoodeAtIt

Published in: Uncategorized on September 16, 2017 at 5:53 am  Leave a Comment  

Praying for you…

It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted anything. So many things are going on in the world…some goode…mostly bad. Innocent people being killed for no reason other than the color of their skin and an invisible threat that none of them truly posed. While I do agree that all lives matter, it is not all lives that are in jeopardy at the moment, only #blacklives. Saying #blacklivesmatter does NOT mean that other’s don’t. It just means that black lives, OUR lives, matter to us, since they don’t seem to matter to anyone else. I’m not going to be on here too long though. I really just came to say that I am praying for you. I am praying that you who have been looking for work, find that job that pays enough to support you and your family without additional support from the government. I’m praying for those of you who are sick to be healed and in goode health in Jesus’ name. I am praying that for those of you who have family members who are incarcerated, that freedom overtakes them speedily. I am praying for those of you who have no other roof over your head but God’s stars at night, find decent and adequate shelter. And lastly, I am praying that for anyone who leaves the house, makes it back the way you left….ALIVE!!!!

Published in: Uncategorized on September 28, 2016 at 3:31 am  Leave a Comment  

When is moving in together acceptable?

In my life, I have known women who meet a man and the attraction is instant. They go out for a time and then before I know it, they are living together. I’m not a judgmental person (or at least I try not to be) but when is moving in together too soon? Having gone out for a couple of months is not enough time to get to know someone is it?

I’m kinda old school I guess. I believe that a man should have is own when you meet him. By having his own I mean a place where his name is on the lease and he has vested interest in the utilities and not living with a parent….Even if it’s a roommate type of situation, I need to be able to come over to your place and stay the night without you having to get parental consent.

I mean really? Come on now. One month? Two months? Is that enough time to develop trust and learn the other person’s full name? I don’t know about anyone else but for me, definitely not! I have an ex who lived with me after we had been knowing one another for about 5 years. However, I know that in previous relationships, he lived with his new chick as early as a month of meeting her. To me, not only is that dangerous, it’s stupid. That person could be a murderer, rapist or anything….but how would you know without thorough knowledge of that person? Is 2 months even enough time to know someone’s real name? I mean let’s face it….there are people who have other identities and can live as another person for years before they are found out…and that’s only IF they are. In my latest book, Pillow Princess, I explore a type of identity theft  called Ghosting. This is where a person assumes the identity of a dead person. Keep in mind, I write TRUE-FICTION…A lot that my readers read is true, has happened or can happen. IDK, this was just on my mind and since I’ve been neglecting my blog, I decided to come back with this…Until next time Goode people, be Goode or be Goode at it!!!!

Published in: Uncategorized on October 26, 2014 at 9:29 pm  Leave a Comment  


It’s so sad…I have been away from this blog for such a long time. I have been planning to come on here and update you all about what has been going on with me but I have been so busy. The life of an author is a busy one. Many people think that we have it made when the book comes out but they have no clue. I am amazed at how many of my fellow authors are struggling financially. I am busy praying for them all. If you are reading this, will you please pray for us? We really need it. Many of us write from life experiences even though we title it fiction, but in truth, we are writing our lives. We are all going to through changes. We are all experiencing some level of struggle in our lives. People, the devil is trying to destroy us. It is time for us to stand up and stop him. Pray. If you haven’t before today, start now! Let’s not allow life’s changes to hinder us and keep us from God’s best.


I am going to return in a couple of days…I have so many crazy things that I want to tell you all. Truly my life is better than fiction. Goode people, I have some crazy people in my life…soon you will find out…I love you guys and thank you so much for being in my corner. I am praying for you.



Published in: Uncategorized on March 29, 2014 at 6:21 am  Leave a Comment  

Tired – The Saga of a up and coming author

If you have read any of my other blogs you know my plight.  I am in such a better place than I was before.  I am happy with the way God is moving me and changing me.  It is hard though, I cannot lie.  And although I am   better than before, I am tired right now. Tired of being lied to, played and so many other things.  If I could sing, i would sing the song ‘Tired’ by Kelley Price.  But alas, I shall not complain.  I have always believed (and I still do) that I need my own reality show.  It doesn’t get any realer than this Goode people. I face day to day struggles like every one else if not more.  I don’t know why some people think that just because I have a book deal that things are honky dory for me and my family. Far from it. But they are not as bad as they could be.  I’m not going to go into detail about what’s going on or rather not going on, but suffice it to day, God is working it out.  With that said, I will end until next time.  

Published in: Uncategorized on April 22, 2012 at 9:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

Looking Ahead

As a writer, better yet, as a published author I have to say that things are not always as they seem. People think that since I got a traditional book deal that I have been saturated with loads of money.  Believe me that is not the case. I wish it was. Since I began this journey to write and publish my books things have not been easy at all. It seems that when I wasn’t trying to do anything with my gift,  my life was cool. But the moment I looked ahead to greater things, the issues began. Nevertheless, I rise. I am not going to complain about 2011 because nothing can be changed. But I can make sure that any and all mistakes that I made in 2011 are not repeated in 2012. I am looking ahead to the person that I want to be, not the person I was. I am looking ahead to a life filled with God’s promises, grace and mercy. I am looking ahead to the day I am not struggling to pay rent or any necessary bill. I am looking ahead to the day I give my love and that love is returned to me. I am looking ahead.  Looking back only serves to keep you from looking forward and when your eyes are not focused on the future you stumble in the past.  Whatever has happened in my past has made me stronger and even more positive. No matter what I have been through, I know that God got the glory out of it all.  So like the Apostle Paul, I press towards the mark of the high calling which is Christ Jesus and I move forward. All those weights of my past I have laid down never to pick them up again. God is making a way for me to live my dream instead of merely dreaming my life.  2011 is ending on A VERY GOODE note and I am confident that 2012 is going to be my year of Jubilee.  We have to stay positive and look ahead to greatness.  No matter what we went through last week or last year we cannot allow that to stop us.  I am a living testimony that God is yet in the prayer answering business. Look ahead and trust God! Success is looming on the horizon!

Published in: Uncategorized on December 29, 2011 at 9:01 pm  Comments (1)  

My Life as an Author 12-22-2011

It has been 2 months since my last post.  Sooo much has happened since then.  My crazy  friend got mad at me because I washed the dishes all the time at her house and didn’t make my kids do it.  My question is: does it matter who cleans up as long as it gets cleaned?  Absolutely not!  Because the tension was so high in the house all the time, I would tell my kids to go to the room we all shared and do homework or watch television.  I wanted them to cross paths with that crazy lady as less as possible.  Out of sight, out of mind.  However, she wasn’t to be deterred from her ghetto, mindless ravings.  One day she came in and started fussing because I had set the jelly on the shelf inside of the refrigerator instead of placing it on the door where the other condiments were.  This was just her way to knit pick.  I recognized long ago in my youth the signs of a person who is fed up.  Surely was tired of me and my crew being there.  Also, she was snorting cocaine and many of her tantrums were drug induced.  Readers, I am so very blessed to announce that me and my crew have moved out of that house.  It was hell with a capital ‘H’.  The gas company came and turned the gas off and took the gas meter with them.  She and her family were even contemplating going around to find another one to install.  Wretched!! Then this heifer goes to Wal-mart and gets caught shop lifting.  Dekalb County Sheriff carted her off to jail with much quickness.  Because she had a warrant in Gwinnett County, they placed a hold on her.  


This dude she was messing with gave her $200 of the $400 she needed to bond out. She sold her foodstamps for the remaining balance.  I was livid when she did that because she left her kids without means of getting food.  Although she has this huge family and they all live in Georgia, none of them came around to help with the kids with the exception of 1 aunt.  Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that a week prior to her going to jail she put me out then begged me to stay.  I knew it was only a matter of time before we moved.  Thank God we did.  Well, before we moved she got picked up and lucky for her I was there else her kids would have been in DFACs custody.  Anyway, I was there helping as long as I could but my new place was ready so it was time to bounce. The family did come around and get the kids but the bad thing is that they are all separated.  My former friend is in Gwinnett County Jail and she will reside there until January 15, 2012.  Not to sound mean, but real talk, if I NEVER see her again then that’s fine with me.  


Who is like the Lord? NOBODY!!! Since moving, so many goode things are happening. My truck, that had been in the shop since July 2011 is finally fixed and home.  It was such a blessing when I took the MARTA to the shop, knowing I was going to drive home in my baby.  Man it was great.  My 2011 has been tumultuous to say the least and began that way.  But my grandmother used to say it’s not important how we start out but how we end up.  This year is ending A VERY GOODE note for me and mine.  I love our apartment but we are in the process of buying a home so we won’t be here too long.  I know you all may  think that I move a lot and its true, I do. But once I move, i will be there for a while. I won’t move out of that house until God blesses me with my mansion.


For those of you who are just now tuning in, this is my life.  Crazy and deranged at times but my life nonetheless.  It’s not perfect by any means. God is still refining me and my life to suit His Will.  


2012 promises to be A VERY GOODE year for me.  Please be on the look out for my book tour dates and other events that will take place throughout the year.  This is my Season people.  I solicit your prayers and thank you so much for all of your support. You all make me better!  AG 

Published in: Uncategorized on December 22, 2011 at 6:29 pm  Leave a Comment  

My LIfe As An Author 10-22-2011

Not much has changed as far as my living situation is concerned since my last post, but this one thing about me has. I am going to watch every single solitary word that comes out of my mouth because I have been speaking more negative things than positive. Yes, I would love for things to be different right now but while they are as they are, I am just going to thank God for being here for me and not leaving me during such a time as this. It doesn’t matter what people do or say, what is important is how I react to it. God is good though no matter what though.

I am trying to increase my book sales. I have enlisted the services of a few people to help me with my marketing and so far so good. The end result of any project that I undertake right now is that I sell tons of books and gain loyal readership. I love my twitter followers and all my FB friends they keep me going.
Well, I am going to end this but I will check in again soon.

Published in: Uncategorized on October 23, 2011 at 2:54 am  Leave a Comment  

My Life as an Author 10/11/2011

The weather has changed considerably here in Atlanta, both inside and outside of the house.  It is nice to write that I am growing every day.  There are many things that I desire to do as an author that takes money to do.  What I can do for free, I do.  Since my last post, my publisher hooked me up with this wonderful marketing and PR exec named Cindy H. and she has been a blessing.  The two of us have been having great weekly sessions regarding things that I can do to boost my book sales.  She said that she likes the fact that I have this blog that allows readers to get to know me on a more personal level.  Many people think that just because I got a traditional book deal that my life is wonderful and I don’t have any issues.  Believe me, I have my share of troubles just like everyone else, if not more.  Anyone who truly knows me can attest to the fact that I take FULL responsibility for anything that I do.  Where I am today is a direct result of decisions I made yesterday and even years past.  It is hard living like this but trust me that I know God is working it out.  A woman ministered to me the other day and said that I am going through this right now because God is getting ready to bless me with things that He needs to know I can handle.  I receive that. 

Readers, everyone has something to say about me and my life and what I am and am not doing.  But you wanna know something funny?  None of those talkers are willing to help me better my situation.  They all see and comment and thats cool, you cant help what people say about you, and they will all be sitting and commenting when God blesses me to overcome all of this.  There is so much that is going to go down in just a few short weeks.  I am looking forward to reporting good news to you all.  It is so crazy and awesome. 

So, I am still here in Lithonia with my crazy friend.  Readers, I am praying for deliverance quickly.  Everything in this house is bootleg.  Hell,this house is bootleg.  I told you guys how she was scammed by this dude named Ozell Neely right?  Well, I had googled him and saw that he has pulled this scam in New York and was brought up on charges.  I didn’t see what the disposition was though.  Well, she was supposed to be getting assistance from this agency in Dekalb county but their help was contingent upon her getting a police report regarding thee incident.  She did not do that because she has a warrant for her arrest and is scared if she calls the cops they will arrest her.  Yes, they will.  Soooo, she owes the real owners like $3900 now and still talking about living here.  Again, she only receives $900 monthly in child support which is not enuf to cover the $1000 rent.  Even with her job at Mickey D’s she will still barely make it.  She has worked at this place for a month now and only has 48 hours year to date.  Really? Wow!  She walks around here like she works for Barack himself and has the nerve to try to put others down because she thinks she is better than they are.  EVERTHING IN THIS HOUSE IS BOOTLEG!!! The water, the gas and the twice disconnected and reconnected electric service.  I am the 1st person to recognize a good deal and I am also a believer that one mans trash is another mans treasure. But if it is trash, it is really just that.  TRASH.  She picks up raggedy matresses, stands, and you name it off the curb.  Some of the things she has gotten don’t look that bad while others just make me smdh.  Its hard to believe that she has children by a once multi-platinum rapper who was at one time a millionaire.  It just goes to show that without God nothing is lasting.  I read in a book by Joel Osteen that even subtle compromises of your integrity will keep you from God’s best.  I want what God has for me and even more importantly, I want to be able to keep it.  I am tired of giving the devil my stuff.  I want it all back. 

Well, I will end on this note: It doesn’t matter what anyone says about me because I know what God says about me.  And to all of you out there who have not yet bought it yet, please purchase my new book DISHONEST from … I love you guys and appreciate your support. AG


Published in: Uncategorized on October 11, 2011 at 11:26 pm  Leave a Comment  

My Life as an Author 9/26/2011

I am still living with my crazy friend since my last post. Although now, I am preparing to move.  You have no idea how happy I am to write that bit.  Being here has taught me many things but my most valuable lesson so far is that I must do everything I can to always have my own.  There is nothing in this world like it.  There is nothing more valuable than peace of mind and the assurance that no matter what, your space is just that. Yours.  Before I continue, allow me to clear something up.  I am not this girls roommate in the sense that we share expenses.  No, I live with her temporarily.  This is her  house and me and my kids pretty much abide by her rules. With that being said, this chick cannot afford this house. The legitimate property owners are charging $1000 monthly in rent for this place whereas the scammer landlord was only asking $950.  It reallydoesn’t matter considering that this child only receives 900 per month in child support. She paid the scammer money to live here but the real managers are demanding payment as well and although they are trying to sympathize with her situation, she makes it a bit hard for anyone to feel sorry for her because she is so damned grown you can’t tell her anything.  The real property managers are a husband and wife team. The husband said that my friend is ghetto and he was being nice when he said that.  The day that he came over she was very brash.  I understand that she was in a bad position but then again so were these people.  Well, the wife, who is a true New Yorker basically let her have it. She is not the one to be trifled with.  They let her know that day though that they would be notifying all the utility companies and taking the services out of their companies name.  So I said all that to say this, every single thing in this house is on illegally. Lights, gas and water.  The water has been disconnected twice at this point and each time she has had one of her family members come over and turn it back on. The cable is on legally but by illegal means.  Identity theft.  She used someone elses name and social security to get service installed.  It is not that easy to write with all this nonsense going on but I gets it in. I am working on some things for Dishonest and I am praying that God truly blesses this book to go places that no one ever imagined.  My ex mother in law is telling people in Oklahoma City that I am not diong too good here in Atlanta and that I am on my way to prison.  I am not at the top of my game right now but I am most definitely not on my way to prison.  She can really keep my name out of her mouth.  She also told one of my associates moms that Idid not write a book.  Well, all of this got back to my sister and of course she did not defend me at all but stood there and just listened.  Of course she would do that.  Why would I expect anything different from her.  My life is so much better than fiction and a whole lot stranger.  The things I have to say about my former BFF.  She is trying to break into the porn business.  The guy that she is now dating has been accused by her 15 year old daughter of having sex with her.  My friend does not believe her but is taking the word of the dude over her child. Now she is trying to send her daughter to live with her dad.  This is some bull crap.  I don’t know what I would do in that situation but I think I would have to believe my baby over the dude until the truth was revealed.  What type of mom takes the word of a stranger over her own flesh and blo

Published in: Uncategorized on October 11, 2011 at 9:49 pm  Leave a Comment